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Reading important books can change the way we interact with the people around us. In this episode of The Rugged Truth Podcast, I share my 5 best reads of 2022. These books have shaped and changed me in significant ways. They could do the same for you! Watch now!

Many Americans believe things about God that simply don't mesh with the Bible. These confused beliefs can lead to false perceptions of what God is really like. In this blog post, we'll address 5 Things Most Americans Believe About God and compare them to the truth of Scripture. Watch now! What you discover

might surprise you!

How can we know we are really saved? Sometimes we don't act like people who have been saved by the grace of Jesus. At other times we don't feel like we're really saved. Doubts creep in and we wonder if our eternal salvation is truly authentic. Is there some objective evidence we can look to for confirmation and assurance of our personal salvation? There is and we'll discover it together. Let's explore this issue of eternal importance.

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